
傘庵(クローバー型)は、2010年に開発した傘庵(正円型)を基本としながらも、技術的検討を重ね、以前では困難であった様々な形に対応できるように改良した茶室である。今回はクローバー型を選択し、制作を行う。上部をクローバー型、下方は京畳二畳を内包する円型とした。屋根・壁・床それぞれの傘骨は一体で閉じるために、それぞれの傘骨長さの合計は等しくになる。その結果、正円型に比べ動きのある造形となった。動きのある造形は客を内部へいざない、内部での亭主や客のふるまいを誘発する。 和傘の傘骨は一本の竹を割って作られている。隣り合う傘骨同士をくっつけると、割かれる前の一本の竹に戻るという仕組みである。傘庵の天井・壁・床に使用している骨組も同じように一本の竹から作られている。つまり、内部空間は直径20cm程の一本の竹から生まれた空間となっているのである。竹をあらかじめ割って構造体とすることで、割れやすい竹の短所を補うだけでなく、竹のしなやかで弾性に優れた長所を構造体として生かしている。 閉じる際、中心部を吊り上げる必要がある。総重量6kgという軽さから、釣竿で中心部を釣り上げる方法を考案した。この方法を用いることで、どこでも簡単に開閉を行うことができる。 傘は屋根であり、建築である。傘庵は屋根をテーマとした作品のひとつであり、クローバー型は以前制作した相合傘(楕円型)で発見された架構システム(骨組み)を応用している。

The idea of this clover shaped umbrella tea house comes from circle shaped that was designed and built in 2010. After much consideration, I figured out there are more intricate designs that I can try. This time I’ve picked out clover shape. The roof has clover shape, the floor has circle shape with covered with 2 tatami mats. The total length of each ribs is the same. So when you closed it, it is closed all element (roof, wall, floor) at once. Clover shape looks like moving unlike circle shape. The moving shape attract people inside and leads them act instinctively. What is interesting about this tea house is that I used bamboo for main structure. Bamboos are excellent material. Bamboos are so light, strong and easy to work, bamboos make a very versatile material. But Bamboos have one drawback. They are breakable. Bamboos have the different shrinkage rate between the inside and the outside. Bamboos are not appropriate for main structure. I used only one bamboo for this tea house. When I made this tea house, I cut it into 50. So they are not cracked anymore. So when you close it, it eventually becomes one bamboo. I got this idea from ancient Japanese umbrella. They have long history for over 1000 years. Long history shows us that they got optimum mechanism, durable material and beauty for appearance. I incorporate this established system in this tea house. You can close it easily with a fishing pole. You just lift it up using a fishing pole. It’s possible because it only weighs 6kg (about 13Ib). You can take, open and close it anywhere you like. Tatami mats have special characteristic in tea ceremony. They influence the way people behaved indoors and also provided precise placements for setting down the utensils used in tea ceremony. The tea house requires at least 2 tatami mats. This tea house has 2 tatami mats inside. We decide the size of this tea house based on the size of tatami mats. This tea house has 2 entrances. Smaller one is for a guest. The guests enter the tea house through a very low and narrow entrance called nijiri-guchi. The reson why it’s small is that people need to squat down to go inside so that they feel humble and leave social status outside. Umbrellas are like roofs. Roofs make space. So umbrellas are architecture. My theme is roofs. I’ve been working on it for many years. This umbrella tea house is one of my works. Oval shaped umbrella that I made before is integrated into this clover shaped tea house.